Friday, April 28, 2017

Maclaren Quest Review

We started with the Chicco Bravo Travel System (affiliate link), which was super convenient.  I loved that you could just snap the carseat into the stroller and go. Or if you're running a quick errant that doesn't require the stroller, you can just carry in the carseat.  However, with our Disney trip approaching, we were longing for something more compact and lightweight.  And with Jackson getting heavier and heavier, the convenience of just grabbing the carseat for a quick errand was fading.   
This led us to the Maclaren Quest (affiliate link).  It's compact and folds up like an umbrella stroller and weighing in at 12.6 lbs., it's not much heavier than one.  When folded, the Maclaren Quest sports a very convenient carrying strap.  

Unlike an umbrellas stroller, it actually has some storage.  There is storage both below and on the back of the stroller.  When going to the mall or the grocery store, I find that there is enough storage space that I don't need to carry in the diaper bag, which is an added bonus.  

The stroller has a 50 SPF waterproof sunshade featuring a peek-a-boo window so you can protect and check in on your little one.  Additionally, the stroller comes with an easy to attach rain cover, which is compact enough to stow away in the strollers basket.  

For safety, the stroller has a 5-point harness and 4 wheel suspension.  And finally, my favorite feature, the stroller has multiple reclining positions.  It can fully recline to allow your little one to sleep safely and comfortably.  

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Merlin Magic Sleepsuit

If you're new to this whole parenting thing, the idea of a swaddle is to to dampen your babies startle reflex, so they won't wake themselves up (as often).  This reflex is stronger at birth and then lessens over time.  At the hospital, the nurses were master-swaddlers - turning our son into a baby burrito in a matter of seconds.  We were not as talented and opted for the easier route - SwaddleMes (these are the best, seriously, you need these).

Unfortunately, once your baby can roll or is 8 weeks old (whichever happens first) you can't have their arms inside the swaddle anymore.  We tried to use the SwaddleMes with Jackson's arms out, but he was a little Houdini.

Like any new parents desperate for sleep, we scoured the internet for a solution and discovered the Merlin Magic Sleepsuit.  I like to call it the "next level" swaddle.  The heaviness of this suit helps to lessen your babies reflex to prevent those extra wake-ups.  People will commonly ask me if Jackson is too hot in the suit.  We have the cotton suit and he sleeps in it in either just a diaper or a diaper and a onsie and we've never had a problem with him overheating.  The fabric actually seems quite breathable.  As for safety, babies can stay in this suit until they are able to roll while wearing it (I am not looking forward to that day).

I know that it really depends on the baby, but the Magic Sleepsuit really works for us.  Jackson seems to like going in it and he sleeps so well in it.  We were using it just for bed time, but started using it for naps as well and he instantly napped about 10 minutes more than normal.

If you're impatient and don't mind paying full price, then you can purchase the sleepsuit from Amazon for $40.  OR, if you don't mind waiting a little longer, you may be able to snag an open-box suit for half the price!  All you have to do is call the company and ask if they have any suits available in the size and material that you need.

The one downside to the suit is that you can't put it in the dryer, you're supposed to air dry it and it takes FOREVER to dry.  We pull it out of the washer as soon a possible, flip it inside out and hang it on a hanger in an open area and even so, it takes almost the full day to dry.  With that being said, I strongly recommend purchasing two suits!