Friday, August 19, 2016

12 Weeks Exactly!

We just got back from our 12 week ultrasound.  Our little bean is still measuring right on track and looking healthy!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Announcement Pictures

I want to start by saying that we just received the results of our genetic screening earlier this week and everything looks great!

With that out of the way, I feel that I can go back to enjoying the pregnancy.  We are currently in the Poconos on a family vacation with my dad and his girlfriend, my grandmother and my siblings.  My dad is a photographer and was generous enough to take photos for our pregnancy announcement.  Here are some of my favorites!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

First Official Ultrasound

We had our first official ultrasound this morning.  Everything looks good.  Our little bean is measuring 9 weeks and 5 days exactly, so due date is still March 2!    We got to hear the heart beat for the first time.  It was 171 bpm.

Not much to see, but here he/she is!  Already so much bigger than they were 3 weeks ago.  

Monday, August 1, 2016

Leachco Back 'N Belly Body Pillow

Aside from morning sickness, another side effect of pregnancy is difficulty sleeping.   Even this early on in the pregnancy, I've been finding it difficult to get comfortable at night.  Also, during pregnancy they recommend that you sleep on your side, preferably you're left side.  It seemed like the solution to this was simple - a body pillow.

However, after going onto, I learned that they actually made body pillows specifically for pregnant women.  That's when I found it - the Leacho Back 'N Belly Contour Body Pillow.  I was hesitant at first and left it sitting in my cart for several days.  Was I really going to spend $80 on a body pillow?

Well I've had it now for about a month and it is definitely worth what I paid, and then some.  I was nervous when it first arrived because the neck part seemed stiff and uncomfortable.  I debated returning it immediately, but then I figured I would at least give it a try.  After just a few days, the pillow was "broken-in" and was amazing!  I was actually able to get comfortable and was sleeping well again.

If you are having trouble getting comfortable during pregnancy, I highly recommend this.  It was a completely worthwhile purchase.  And after pregnancy, you can also use it for breastfeeding - just an added bonus!