Sunday, February 26, 2017

Sleep While You Can

When you are pregnant, everyone feels the need to give you some piece of advice.  Here are a few:
- sleep while you still can (which isn't very much when you're 9 months pregnant, uncomfortable in almost any position, and have to pee every 10 minutes)
- you should get an epidural because.....
- you shouldn't get an epidural because....
- let the baby cry it out, that's what we did in my day
- just relax, the baby will come when he's ready (I know that, but if you know that, then why are you calling me every day to see if he's here yet?)

And the list goes on and on and on and on.

Here is my one piece of advice to pregnant women, try to enjoy some time alone and with your parter before the baby arrives.  Not that this won't be possible ever again, but things definitely change once a baby arrives.

Taking my own advice, I tried to make the most of this past weekend.

Friday was a girls day which including shopping at the mall, lunch at the Cheesecake Factor and mani-pedis.  Saturday was spent enjoying some time with family at a housewarming party.

And finally, today my husband and I spent a relaxing day at home alone.  We stayed in bed until after 11AM - something I know we won't be able to do very soon.  Ate leftovers from yesterdays party while we watched two movies cuddled on the couch in our PJs.  Took a walk outside with the puppy.  Played some board games.  And now we're ending our night cuddled back on the couch (still in our PJs) watching some crappy TV shows.

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